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  • visiting seoul?


  • kim jessie

  • 名单 SMG 2,291
    Hi, I have been a leader of ESC in korea. ESC means English study group and English social group. there are a lot of foreigner including American,Canadian,England,Chinese. we do exchange language and culture. so we often travel together in korea and participate many event in Seoul like NIKE We Run Seoul 10K and Seoul fireworks festival. As a Seoul mate, I can provide many information to my friends. so it is easy for my friends to look for event and enjoy that. 我的专业是中文系。我会用汉语帮助。 中国行旅正在急剧上升。我的能力对外国人的将来很有用。这件事还是由经验丰富的我来负责为好。 如果我会获得这个机会,我积极干活。谢谢。

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