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2014全球首尔伙伴 : 任务

  • Faramitha Devi

  • 2014全球首尔伙伴 : 任务 1,646
    Second mission from Global Seoul-Mates. I made a poster related to the Seoul Kimchi Making and Sharing Festival 2014. The photo that I used originally taken from english.seoul.go.kr. The reason I used that photo because it represents the main activity about the Festival and it shows that a lot of people joined as the participants of Kimchi Making and Sharing Festival. I think people will be able to understand about the Festival. After that, they will see the location, date and time clearly because it shows right after the photo. Hope my poster will be able to help the spreading of Seoul Kimchi Making and Sharing Festival~ Cheers. Faramitha

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