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  • The Namsan Science Museum, the former Children’s Center

  • 首尔文化遗产 SMG 2,956

    In 2012, Seoul City restored part of the Seoul Fortress Wall and the Namsan Mountain ridge as part of the Namsan Renaissance Project. Korea’s first Children’s Center stands at the end of the mountain ridge that connects the site of a playground to Baekbeom Square, still preserving its old glory. In 1970, when it was completed and opened to the public, the 18-story “skyscrapers” with an observatory on top that rotates once per hour was a castle of dreams for children. Several hundreds of thousands of children flocked to Namsan Mountain to visit the Children’s Center everyday as Korea at that time was virtually devoid of cultural facilities for children. Unfortunately, the Children’s Center could not accommodate them all and had to be closed temporarily three days after its opening. Asia’s largest children’s center equipped with cutting-edge science and technology was a paradise for children. Now, it continues to make its presence felt as the Namsan Branch of Seoul Science Park.