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  • Korea University’s Main Hall, making great advancements as a leading private institution of higher education

  • 首尔文化遗产 SMG 3,389

    Some 80 years ago on the Anam-dong Campus of the present-day Korea University, a western-style school building, designed and financed by Koreans, was established. In 1932, Kim Seong-Su, also known by his childhood name “Inchon,” took over Bosung College, visited universities around the world, and dreamed of establishing a college in Korea. He brought his dream to life when he started the construction of a school building in 1933, and completed it in 1934. The three-story building is designed in a Tudor-Gothic style with a wooden truss roof. The concrete interior wall is finished with granite in random ashlar and the central tower serves as a focal point, highlighting the symbolic meaning of the building. In addition, the building has the ogival arched entrance in front and additional entrances on the sides and back. Its windows are in diverse shapes, serving to break the monotony and providing a sense of rhythm. Renamed from Bosung College in 1946, Korea University carries great historical significance, as its main building is the origin of Korean-style stone architecture and the first higher-education building built with solely domestic capital.