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  • A BAKERY CAFÉ in Seoul

  • 活动 1,181
    Hello! Everyone! I am going to introduce another good place to eat in Seoul today, A BAKERY CAFÉ with a name showing their brand philosophy about home-made food as if cooked by MOMMY-this is the most trendy one among a number of newly launched bakery cafés. They have many things on their menu: sandwitches, soups, paninis, salads, and etc, and of course, all of them are FRESHLY MADE at their kitchen each time the order is taken. Ricotta cheese salad and Honey Camembert cheese panini are the most popular menus-and especially, you SHOULD try the Honey Camembert cheese panini as it tastes so nutty-it has almonds toppings- and deliciously sweet. Why don’t you have it for your lunch today? You can easily find this cafe as they have many branches all over Seoul.

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