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  • ‘Star Trek 3’ to Shoot Scenes in Seoul

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    The Star Trek 3 news is coming thick and fast it seems. After William Shatner teased his return in the upcoming third installment of the re-boot, we have news that parts of the movie will shoot in Seoul, South Korea according to a report in the Korea Observer published Monday. The Korea Observer cities a Facebook post from the mayor of Seoul, Park Won-soon, who may have unwittingly let the cat out of the bag regarding the shoot. “Today I met with Jeffrey Chernov, producer of Star Trek 3, at the Paramount Pictures Studio and agreed to film a portion of the upcoming movie in Seoul,” Park said in his Facebook post. Seoul is presently a popular location for Hollywood, with the Wachowski’s upcoming Sense8 to be filmed in the city. Avengers 2 was also partially shot in Seoul earlier this year, with The Korea Observer reporting that the Korea elements of the film will make up 15 to 20 minutes of the run time.

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