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  • 30. Hangnim Dabang (Teahouse) Since 1956

  • 今日视频 SMG 3,868
    Hangnim Dabang was a popular meeting place for students of Seoul National University who discussed how to carry out the democratization movement over a cup of coffee. It was also a favorite meeting place for people from music, fine art, and drama circles. The teahouse was opened in 1956 across the street from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Seoul National University (SNU) in Dongsung-dong. Students liked looking at the stream as it flowed by the school compound from their seats near the window on the upper floor of the teahouse. The name of the school’s annual campus festival, Hangnimje, was borrowed from the teahouse. SNU was relocated elsewhere some time ago, but the teahouse is striving to be reborn as a favorite meeting place for visitors to Daehangno in the neighborhood, seeking integration between tradition and modernity. It holds a regular classical music listening session and encourages its regular customers to keep in regular contact with each other through its home page. Its aims to become a favorite meeting place for people of all ages.