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  • 2022 February (Vol.69)

  • 特刊 SMG 744

    Seoul News Special Issue No.69 February

    First-Ever Total Energy Station in Seoul

    The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) opened a first-of-its-kind “total energy station” (TES) for charging electric vehicles (EV) and fuel cell vehicles (FCV) using photovoltaic (PV) and fuel cell systems at SK Bakmi Gas Station in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul. The SMG is taking proactive measures with its TES project to make way for the oil and gas industry to adapt to the recent changes, such as the rise in demand for EV charging infrastructure due to the recent increase in eco-friendly vehicles (proportion of electric vehicles among newly registered vehicles in Seoul last year rose 73% YoY) and the drop in gasoline and diesel consumption due to the decrease in internal combustion vehicles, by simultaneously providing gasoline and diesel as well as PV and fuel cell charging solutions. The new TES, branded as “Energy Super Station,” has 20 kW PV panels and 300 kW fuel cell stacks as well as one of each ultra-fast and fast EV charging station. Now, drivers can not only refuel their internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, but also charge their EV and FCV. The SMG signed an agreement with SK Energy last year January, and has been negotiating to expand the use of renewable energy by installing EV charging stations as well as PV panels and fuel cell stacks at gas stations to generate electricity. Having consistently submitted proposals to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) for better regulations on installing fuel cell stacks in gas stations, the SMG and SK Energy were able to install PV panels, fuel cell stacks and EV charging stations starting this January for sandbox demonstration for the next two years. Starting with this demonstration, the SMG will partner with other oil companies for active participation of privately held gas stations, which account for the majority of gas stations in Seoul, through various support, such as professional consulting and sharing the know-how of successfully converted TES affiliates. Meanwhile, the SMG announced Seoul Vision 2030 last year and its comprehensive five-year climate action plan (2022–2026) last month to achieve carbon neutrality within the next five years, announcing to build infrastructure that will drive the EV era. It also aims to improve regulations by establishing a public–private partnership system to lay the foundation for related businesses and expand the TES network throughout Seoul within the next thirty years.


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