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  • 2020 May (Vol.48)

  • 特刊 SMG 1,787
    I SEOUL U 2020 May No.48Together We Stand Cities Against COVID-19 Global Summit 2020 Seoul Hosts Online Conference 
in Preparation for the Post-Coronavirus Era The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) will hold an international online conference “CAC (Cities Against COVID-19) Global Summit 2020” from Mon, Jun. 1 to Fri, Jun. 5 regarding overcoming the COVID-19 crisis and preparing for a significant paradigm shift. The conference will include participation of about 120 individuals, including mayors from around the world as well as international scholars and experts from various fields, for five days of concentrated discussions.

The conference will not encompass a particular area, but will address all areas of society affected by COVID-19, and this is the first attempt in which global cities will share response measures. The video conference will be conducted without an audience but will connect the whole world through an “untact” method. Experts and city government officials will discuss cooperative tasks regarding ten areas of the post-coronavirus era, which include prevention measures, the climate and environment, culture, public transportation, and smart city. Discussions will comprise of topics in distance learning, urban resilience and sustainability, and governance. 

On Tue, Jun. 2, Mayor  Park Wonsoon will host the “Mayoral Meeting” to be joined by mayors from around 40 cities around the world. The conference will stress the role of city governments and the need for solidarity in addition to proposing a plan for establishment of an international organization for countermeasures against an infectious disease. The Seoul Declaration will also be adopted at the meeting. On Thu, Jun. 4, Mayor  Park Wonsoon will have a conversation with Jared Mason Diamond, the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning work, Guns, Germs, and Steel, and world-renowned cultural anthropologist.

Through the CAC Global Summit 2020, the SMG aims to take off as the world’s “exemplary city” in all social fields in addition to preventive measures. The city also plans to establish itself as “Smart City Seoul,” “Safe City Seoul,” and “Green City Seoul.”Cooperation and Solidarity Betwwen Municipal Governments in Response to COIVD-19Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지이전뉴스레터홈페이지페이스북인스타그램트위터유투브 웹마스터찾아오는길