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  • 「Seoul, the World’s Beauty Capital」 Brand Naming and Video Contest


  • 「Seoul, the World’s Beauty Capital」 Brand Naming and Video Contest

  • Link SMG 1,225

    Beauty Capital Seoul Brand Contest

    The Seoul Metropolitan Government is creating a hub that encompasses Korean apparel, cosmetics and more to set global fashion, lifestyle and beauty trends, following the global expansion of the Korean Wave from K-pop and cinema to other areas of popular culture. The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) is holding a brand contest titled “Seoul, the World’s Beauty Capital” under the theme of “Seoul that sets the trends of the global beauty industry” for three weeks from Mon, Oct. 18 to Sun, Nov. 7. Seoul, a city of beauty taking new steps as the capital of the global beauty industry. Create a name and video that encapsulates Seoul as a beauty capital!

    1. Theme

    ○ Seoul’s cosmetics loved by people around the world ○ Seoul’s fashion that reinterprets traditions and sets trends ○ Seoul’s medical care that brings out people’s inner beauty ○ Seoul’s food that satiates everyone’s palate Seoul, the be-all and end-all! We invite you to create a new brand that encompasses all of Seoul’s merits.

    2. Eligibility

    – Open to all: Korean nationals, non-Korean residents living in Korea, and international participants

    3. Categories

    ○ Naming: A brand name that represents Seoul as a beauty capital ○ Video: A video that represents Seoul as a beauty capital ※ Naming: For use as the brand for Seoul’s beauty industry revitalization policy after the contest ※ Video: For use as promotional content for Seoul’s beauty-related projects after the contest

    4.Contest Schedule

    ○ Submission: 2021-10-18 (Mon.) ~ 2021-11-7(Mon.) ○ Preliminary~Semifinal: In November, 2021 ○ Final round: In December, 2021 ○ Winner announcement: Expected on December 17th, 2021 ※ The schedule above may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. Changed schedule will be notified on Seoul Metropolitan Government Official website(english.seoul.go.kr) and portal(mediahub.seoul.go.kr).

    5. Application

    ○ Submit online: [Korean] [English] – Fill out online: Application form, privacy policy agreement, brand name and/or video

    6. Awards (Total amount of prize money : KRW 20 Million )

    ○ Naming: Gold(1 WINNER – KRW 5 MIL), Silver(4 WINNER – KRW 2.5 MIL), Bronze(5 WINNER – KRW 200,000) ○ Video: Gold(1 WINNER – KRW 1 MIL), Silver(4 WINNER – KRW 500,000), Bronze(5 WINNER – KRW 200,000) ※ Exchange rate will be applied when paid ※ All or part of shortlisted works may not be selected depending on the number of submissions and screening results. ※ Multiple entries are accepted, but only one work will be awarded.

    7. Enquiries

    Beauty Capital Seoul’ Brand Contest Operation Secretariat (☎ 02-702-7966, beautycapitalseoul@gmail.com) ※ Note ※ ○ The submitted work must be your own creation. ○ All participants must comply with copyright law. You should address any copyright-related issues regarding portrait right, music, video and images before you participate in the contest. ○ Prize-winning works of other competitions, works of others, works using another person’s name illegally, and plagiarized works are excluded from being selected as winners. Even if these works are selected as winner, the award-winning will be canceled and the prize money will be redeemed. ○ If your work is selected as a target of screening or a prize winner and you are asked to submit the original file and documents to check the qualification, you should follow the instruction. If you fail to submit them within a set period of time, your work will be excluded from the target of screening. ○ Depending on the number of submitted works and the screening results, all or some winners may not be selected. ○The copyright of winning works belongs to the creators , but the SMG can freely use the winning works (i.e. copy, distribute, produce, public transmission and broadcast) for 10 years. ○ The SMG can acquire all or part of property rights of the prize-winning works after the winner announcement through separate agreement with the corresponding creators. ○ The SMG can creatively modify and utilize all or part of the prize-winning works through separate agreement with regard to adaptation right. ○ If an entrant without prize-winning work demands returning his/her submission before discarding(submissions that didn’t win prize will be discarded within three months before the end of the contest), the SMG will return the work to the creator. However, the entrant is responsible for the additional expenses related to the process of returning. ○ The timeline of the contest (open calls period, screening period, etc.) is subject to change and any changes will be notified on the SMG website.