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  • 首尔市与首尔警察厅共同发布关于进一步加强应对虐童的对策

  • 福利健康安全新闻 SMG 2,226

    首尔市和首尔警察厅联合发布“预防儿童虐待及应对体系强化对策”,旨在通过签订业务协议和构建系统化的联合应对系统预防儿童虐待,保护受害儿童。联合应对内容涵盖从早期发现虐待儿童、快速准确地判断是否存在虐待,到保护受害儿童的整个过程。 第一,将受害儿童置于首位,大力全面改善儿童虐待现场应对系统。此前,无法及时为受害儿童提供医疗支援被诟病为现场最大的问题。为解决这一问题,将在首尔全市运营8处24小时开放的儿童虐待专责医疗机构,应对夜间、周末、紧急状况等。自7月起,还将在各自治区运营“儿童虐待判断会议”,由儿童虐待专家亲自参与,对虐待案例进行判断。 第二,大幅度扩充预防及应对儿童虐待的基础设施。进一步扩大原有首尔市儿童福利中心的功能,使其成为“儿童虐待预防中心”,发挥预防及应对儿童虐待的控制塔作用。通过持续扩充儿童虐待业务专责人力及保护设施,构建坚固的专业应对体系。 第三,为尽早发现危机儿童,将定期对福利盲区儿童实施全数调查制度化,持续推进制度改善及线上线下宣传等,借此激活儿童虐待举报并改善认识,进一步构建高密度社会安全网。
    SMG–SMPA Announce Reinforced Measures for Responding to Child Abuse Poster
    CHILD ABUSE IS A CRIME  Report & Prevent Child Abuse Every child deserves a safe childhood. Your active awareness and report can safe a child’s life! POLICE 112 Call 112 to report child abuse. Child abuse is maltreatment from physical to sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect by guardians. Personal identity of reporters will be protected and kept thoroughly confidential. The SMG will reinforce child abuse response system: reorganize the Seoul Metropolitan Child Protection Agency and the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse. operate eight dedicated medical institutions for around-the-clock response to child abuse cases. assess allegations of child abuse with experts such as doctors, lawyers and clinical psychologists. cooperate with the SMPA to oversee the entire process from child abuse report to child protection. Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Every Child Deserves A Safe Childhood! Your active awareness and report can safe a child’s life! Do your part to prevent child abuse! POLICE 112 Call 112 to report child abuse. Child abuse is maltreatment from physical to sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect by guardians. Personal identity of reporters will be protected and kept thoroughly confidential. The SMG will reinforce child abuse response system: reorganize the Seoul Metropolitan Child Protection Agency and the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse. operate eight dedicated medical institutions for around-the-clock response to child abuse cases. assess allegations of child abuse with experts such as doctors, lawyers and clinical psychologists. cooperate with the SMPA to oversee the entire process from child abuse report to child protection.