那是一个叫做“The City”的节目,以全球气候变化为主题介绍包括约翰内斯堡,鹿特丹,休斯顿,里约热内卢在内的G40(大城市气候变化领导力小组)城市,首尔涵盖其中。我作为首尔市长主要介绍了我们首尔市在应对气候变化方面所做出的努力,其中包括国际合作组织以及城市间合作,新再生能源的有效利用以及扩大计划,环境友好型交通文化实践,市民的积极参与等内容。节目在昨天播出,大家可以参考以下的网址。
“The City”这档节目是交互活动(Interactive campaign)的一环,市民也可以通过推特#MyCityWish 来以“如果可以当一天市长的话要做些什么”为话题积极献策,大家可以参与到这个活动中来,如果我们首尔市民可以成为一日首尔市长的话都打算做些什么呢?我也不禁好奇起来了。下面我就把在“The City”节目采访中的英文为大家翻译出来。
My name is Won Soon Park, Mayor of Seoul Republic of Korea.
Seoul is including more than 10 million citizens.
It was exploded since 1970s so it is still our challenge to provide many housing and transportations.
Citizens can choose one day in a week as a free car day, around 36% of entire citizens are participating in our project.
It means that air quality is getting better.
If we set one policy and practice it, it can spread out to the other cities.
Within 2014, we are specifically targeting to reduce the 200 million tons of petroleum, which is compatible to capacity of one nuclear power plant.
In Korea, we are highly depending on nuclear power plant energy and also the Hukushima disaster in Japan also shocked korean people.
The ratio of our independence of electricity is only 2.8%, so we are really trying to increase it so it means finally we are trying to attain the goal of electricity independence.
Seoul citizens are very familiar with app and internet. You can see this site solar map, before they are starting to go to school or office they can have the information of how the air quality is.
Climate change is very serious to every cities in the world but Seoul is more serious condition.
This concept of sustainability is most important to the mayors of all cities. we met so many trials and errors so our experiences can be shared by many other asian and developing cities across the world.