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  • 首尔市将培养制作K-美容内容的专业韩流、美容1人创作者

  • 文化旅游体育新闻 SMG 3,052
    • 首尔市选拔并培养Youtube、TikTok等20组1人媒体创作者,让K-美容内容传播到全球
    • 完成制作任务时,向每个团队发放500万韩元,出租摄影棚和设备,提供各种美容产品
    • 截至6月7日(周五)为止在韩国人和外国人中各征集10组团队,通过首尔经济振兴院网站或Nurilounge应用程序申请






    2024 BEAUTY CREATIVE-FORCE #Connetn Creation Support Fund - 5 million KRW #Awards for 5 Outstanding Beauty Creators - 5 million KRW each MAY 27 (Mon) ~ JUNE 7 (Fri) 23:59 Application Overview | Application Period May 27 (Mon) ~ June 7 (Fri) | Number of Teams Total 20 teams (10 Korean creators, 10 international creators) | Application Fields 1. Hallyu (Global, Culture, Tourism) 2. Beauty (Cosmetics, Fashion, Wellness [Exercise, Health, etc.]) | Ellgibility (must meet all requirements) 1. Based on YouTube or TikTok channels - Channel must have been active for at least 6 months by the application deadline. - Channel must have uploaded new content within the last 3 months. - Channel must have at least 10 videos focused on Hallyu or beauty content. 2. Participation in Beauty Creative Force activities (content creation, related event participation, networking, etc.) is required. | Activity Period 7 months (June to December 2024) } Announcement of Results Results can be checked in June through the 'Notices' section on the SBA website(https://www.sba.seoul.kr) or the Nurilounge app. | Inquiries 2024 Beauty Creative Force Partner Nurihaus inc 02-461-3309 | Email: jungsun@nurihaus.com Support Provided Beauty Creative-force Support Details - Support for creating branded content on 5 different themes (each team receives 5 million KRW for content creation). - Opportunity to participate in regular networking events for beauty creators. - Professional content creation coaching and 1:1 mentoring - Various beauty product supports. | Selection of Outstanding Beauty Creators and Special Benefits - Top 5 teams will be selected as outstanding beauty creators based on content and activity evaluations, and will receive special benefits. Awards from the Mayor of Seoul and prize of 5 million KRW per team. - Appointment as outstanding beauty creative-force and support for linkage with Seoul city events. | How to Apply 1. Visit the application page for international creators. 2. Install and access the Nurilounge app. 3. Fill out and submit the SBA Beauty Creative-force Campaign application form.


    (Hanna Coreana,点击率127万次)


