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  • 2021 May (Vol.60)

  • 特刊 SMG 1,503
    I SEOUL U 2021 News Letter Special Issues No.60 May Grand Opening of Seoul Tourism Plaza as a Control Tower For Seoul Tourism Seoul Tourism Plaza opened on April 29 to serve as a control tower and hub for Seoul tourism. It aims to support qualitative growth and provide a platform for Seoul’s tourism industry to take new leaps, hoping for the industry to overcome the prolonged pandemic and steer new paths to adjust to rapidly changing tourism markets and trends. Seoul Tourism Plaza is a nine-story building where Seoul’s leading tourism-related institutions from the Seoul Tourism Association to international tourism administrations and promising start-ups come together to implement tourism policies and provide support to companies in the industry. On the first floor, there is the tourism information center as well as convenience facilities and rest area. Here you can submit inquiries regarding Seoul tourism, receive the most recent pamphlets, and even purchase souvenirs. Visitors are encouraged to take photos with Seoul’s honorary tourism ambassador BTS at the BTS Photo Zone in front of the information center. On the fourth floor, there are education and experience programs offered for citizens to participate in. No programs are currently opened due to COVID-19, but various tourism related programs such as K-pop dance class for Korean and international visitors will be held as the situation improves. On the seventh floor, there are free expert consultant and customized consulting sessions provided for tourism businesses based in Seoul. On the eighth floor, there are offices of seven major tourism institutions including Seoul Tourism Association and Tourism Australia to enhance communication between organizations in the industry. On the ninth and tenth floors, there are offices of fifteen selected tourism start-ups, and other prospective entrepreneurs, creators and investors can also use this shared office space without additional cost. On the eleventh floor, international tourists can learn about and experience outstanding Korean medical technology. Any visitor that wishes to get medical consulting services can ask for more information and interpretation service on the first floor. Also a video studio and one-person production studio are available for all citizens, tourism related businesses and tenant companies that wish to create tourism video content. Seoul Tourism Plaza is seeking ways to develop tourism as a control tower and is expected to invigorate the tourism industry in the midst of the pandemic by offering accurate information, comfort and convenience to domestic and international visitors. Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지 이전뉴스레터 homepage facebook twitter instagram youtube Web Master Seoul City Hall Directions