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    何 舒伦 / China


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    李 昕 / China

    2013全球首尔伙伴第四次任务的礼物收到咯!!@首尔市政府 首尔伙伴,一个不小心已经一年了…时间过的超快,感谢这一年的陪伴。希望2014马年继续…让我这只本命小马儿更加快马加鞭为Seoul 宣传吧(礼物为:邮票,手绢,冰箱贴…图案都是浓浓的韩国风…这种精致的礼物,喜欢的很呢~~~~去首尔的心再次蠢蠢欲动!!!~~~~~~)

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    【I Love Seoul!】2013全球首尔伙伴第四次任务顺利完成~

    曹 怡萍 / China

    I LOVE SEOUL!@首尔市政府 감사 합니다 全球首尔伙伴活动房 亲爱的首尔伙伴们,赶紧查收看下2013第四次任务的回礼吧!马上有惊喜噢!

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    kenpu 21 / Japan

    韓国観光公社さんのサイトに、素敵な記事が。 ソウルのホテルでは、イチゴの季節に大変嬉しい「ストロベリーデザートのビュッフェ」が開催されるそうです♪

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    3rd GAKUM EXHIBITION : PATTERNIC LIFE in Seoul: 11-17.II 2014

    Magdalena Bomba / Poland

    3rd GAKUM EXHIBITION : PATTERNIC LIFE will take place from 11 February to 17 February, 10 am - 10 pm. Where: 강남구 논현동 63-5, 5F, Seoul, Korea 135-010, ARTISTS: 소랭이 / NZzu / 홍한나 / 삼십이두박근 / Jin H,art진에이치 / hey.z헤이지 / 놈스noms / 풍기문 / 홍살구 / 찬스스튜디오

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    Okuyama Chikako / Japan


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    My blogging challenge

    Gisela Verdin / Mexico

    Hi everyone, Im starting my very own daily~blogging challenge, since I havent blogged much lately I think this is a good oportunity to re-take on my blogging. I usually like to make long or super long posts but maybe I need to change that since I just cant decide on what to blog about, so, how about I just blog about random things?, about my day or the latest gossip I heard lol. As this is my 1st post of the challenge I should make a good one but today I just went to Gimpo Airport to complete th

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    Blogging day 2

    Gisela Verdin / Mexico

    My whole post got deleted!! stupid blogspot. So, 2nd day of my blogging challenge and Im here, I count this as an achievement cuz I usually give up quite quickly lol, today I was chatting with my ex see? friendship after a relationship is not a myth! and he was telling me how I ROCK 4 realz, he only said that because Im in Korea and he is basically unemployed and living in the same small town but now that I think about it, I do ROCK, hahaha, but I didnt get here by just being awesome, it took me

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    Blogging day 3

    Gisela Verdin / Mexico

    Weekend is here!!! Actually, half of my weekend is gone, but I made a good use of my saturday Today was such a busy day, living far away from Seouls downtown only means you have to take long subway/bus rides and so we did today. After having our breakfast and cleaning the house -oh!, the perks of living alone lol-, we got ready to go out and being the Teen girls we are not anymore, the 1st stop was Dongdaemuns Fittin plaza to check out Klive yet again, this time we had tickets to 2NE1s Hologram

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    The Scoop on Poop in South Korea

    Mimsie Ladner / The United States

    Poop is cute in Korea. So much so that poop pastries, poo-pooing dolls, poop art and childrens books about poop can easily be found throughout the country. So the question remains- when, and more importantly WHY did poop become such a beloved icon here in South Korea? [READ MORE]

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    雷 挺 / China

    作为首尔著名的景点之一,清溪川每天都迎接着各国游客在此散步休憩。真正的清溪川其实很长,我们说的清溪川一般指的是在首尔中区一带的部分。它位于首尔的中心之地,处于韩国东亚日报社与金融大厦之间,长达160米,清澈的溪水流过50米宽的川面,在首尔的中心缓缓流淌。 每个城市都需要一些生动的东西,比如佛罗伦萨街边的画展、巴黎的塞纳河,如果是首尔的话,除了汉江还有着美丽的清溪川。它不长,刚好蜷缩在这城市里;它不宽,让人看得见河对面的模样。而现在,首尔花灯节正在清溪川一带上演。

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    雷 挺 / China

    中国文化院以韩国各界人士为对象,准确地介绍中国的发展状况和中国的文化,向想要了解中国的韩国人提供准确的信息服务。通过进一步加强中韩两国间的文化交流,举办各种形式的文化活动以及与中国语和中国相关的知识讲座,致力于增进两国人民间的理解和友谊。通过加强两国间文化领域的合作,为开展文化交流的各界人士搭建交流和增进友谊的平台。 地址:首尔市钟路区社稷路8街23-1 电话:02-733-8307 开放时间:周二、周六09:00-17:00(午休时间12:00-13:00)

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